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10 week challenge winner - Karen!

I have been a member of Bodyblast for a number of years and have enjoyed challenges in the past to keep me on track however after a summer of indulgence (which included going on a cruise, eating and drinking a lot), I joined their 10 Week challenge to get my nutrition back on track. The delicious and easy-to-make recipes provided by Cherie and Kate helped me stay committed to healthier eating habits (with a couple of ‘fun foods’ thrown in). Understanding my daily protein needs and keepi...

July 15, 2024

6 week Challenge Winner - Jaynie!

I was introduced to Bodyblast by a friend, I was so nervous. I hadn't exercised properly for years and I suffer anxiety in any group environment but everyone was so welcoming, supportive and friendly.Then I jumped into my first challenge! I spent my entire adult life having a terrible relationship with food yo yo dieting, not eating, you name it I did it over and over. The nutrition education has given me an actual feeling of freedom that I have NEVER had. The accountability during the challenge...

March 26, 2024

10 week Challenge Winner - Sonya!

Sonya says...With having adopted a “Life is Short - Eat the Cake” attitude when my heart played up out of the blue in 2015 combined with a career change in 2022 which saw me return to a desk job - the unwanted kilos caught up with me.After being completely inspired by previous challenge winners, I decided to take a leap of faith and sign up for this challenge journey. Was I terrified? YES!! What was I terrified of - Failing!! But equally I was DETERMINED!!Hand on my heart this has been the b...

March 8, 2024

6 week Challenge Winner - Paula!

I’ve been a member of Body Blast from the first day Kate and Cherie started the gym. I love working with both Kate and Cherie, they will push you, support you, encourage you but amongst that we have fun and a lot of laughs. Over those years we have had so many adventures not just in the gym working out we have entered so many team events from fun runs to mud runs and even being chased through Spookers by guys with chainsaws!I enjoy all the classes that Bodyblast offer, you can always guarantee...

March 8, 2024

6 week Challenge Winner - Rachel!

After turning 50 I started to find it difficult to lose the weight I had gained and found myself moving from one fad diet to another....fasting, keto etc all of which failed. With a trip back to the UK to see my family and friends planned for April 2023 I decided to head back to Bodyblast after a lengthy break to help me get back on track and achieve my weightloss goals.I started out attending 3 classes a week and with Kate and Cherie’s encouraging support I soon felt my all round fitness leve...

March 8, 2024

10 week Challenge Winner - Kelly!

I started at Bodyblast about 3 and a 1/2 years ago. Nervous about starting as I’d never done any form of group classes, and I certainly hadn’t stuck to any form of exercise since being at school! I found “gyms” intimidating, the machines, the people, all of it. Terrifying.The 30 minute Meta classes were the drawcard for me. I started at the 9am classes, and when work got too busy for me to get to that class, I gave in and start the early morning classes, much to Kate and Cherie’s delig...

March 8, 2024

6 week Challenge Winner - Trish!

I was 48 years old and at my heaviest ever weight, with poor nutrition and discipline. At that point I felt mentally and physically unmotivated. I knew I needed to make a change and do something for me. This is where my Body Blast journey begun. In January 2021 I started a membership at Bodyblast for a fresh start. I was initially very anxious and felt like a fish out of water, concerned about what others would think of me and how far I had let myself slip. But there was no need to be nervous, t...

March 8, 2024

6 week challenge - Ruth!

If I do this challenge I’m all in”.... She said when we announced the first challenge of 2022… and all in she was!Huge congratulations to Ruth Mills who has won our 1st 6 Week Challenge of 2022!!Ruth lost almost 4kg of body fat (that’s over 7 blocks of butter!), improved her visceral reading and maintained good muscle mass - it really was the textbook outcome!Ruth was in the Studio at 5am whilst her young family slept so that she could get her workouts in before the responsibility of bal...

March 8, 2024

Tanya's Story

I joined their 6 week challenge in July 2021 and there’s been no looking back. When lockdown came, the challenge went online with 5 x Zoom sessions every week to keep us on track. We had continued nutrition support to keep us focused and they introduced a lovely yoga stretch class as well.I’m so grateful to them both. They are great motivators! I have continued to stay part of their online community and the 30 minute online pre recorded classes I am now doing fit perfectly into my busy sched...

March 8, 2024

BB members Kirstie & Kane tell all!

We love that Bodyblast members Kirstie & Kane come into Bodyblast and train together….they fit so well into our Fitness family and have done so since first walking in our doors. We had a few questions for them….What made you make the leap and come join our fitness family?2020 was a crap year for fitness. Injuries and covid meant we couldn’t continue with our gym and sports. Lockdown cooking and baking became well mastered but not so friendly on the scales.When we moved to Pukekohe we l...

March 8, 2024

Arana's Story

Years of pumping iron and going for a jog as my land based training option wasn’t enough to up my game in my sport of Waka Ama. I really wanted to perform and compete at a higher level.I searched around and found Bodyblast. I was hesitant at first but after my first class........F@#% YEAH!! This is it !!!! I was hooked and took on a 6 week challenge.And yes BodyBlast conditioned my body, drastically raised my cardio levels, I dropped body weight and all that definitely transferred over to Waka...

March 8, 2024

Caroline's Story

Being a stay at home mum and giving birth to my second child 16 months prior I always put myself last, especially my health. I was done with the “new year, new me”. I pretty much made up excuses each time, the biggest being “I’ll start again Monday” so I found myself messaging Kate and Cherie to jump upon the 6 week Bodyblast challenge.The first day I walked in the doors I was scared I thought I’d be judged for how slack I was, as gym environments always intimidated me. So many thing...

March 8, 2024

Heavyn's Story

With the health issues of high blood pressure and preclampsia that came with her pregnancy and carrying an extra 20kg that she had never carried before, Heavyn was keen to get her pre baby body back!Heavyn and her partner moved to Pukekohe May 2018.. They both worked South of Auckland so relocating their family to Pukekohe felt like a good fit for them. When the opportunity to buy Advantage Tyres arose they jumped at it, Matt had been in the industry for 15 years so time felt right and they took...

March 8, 2024

Kat's Story

I’ve always been fairly active and have attended a number of the gyms in the Franklin area – tried many challenges; classes; weights regimes; boxing and yoga. I have been told I’m hard to motivate as I’m not interested in pushing myself to breaking point and I like a lifestyle. I need variety to keep my interest up and find that group training seems to suit me best but not the conventional class style. A difficult person it seems.I was nursing an injury and needed to walk Bodhi (my four ...

March 8, 2024

Shane's Story

In September 2019 I went to the doctors and they were very concerned with my blood pressure and wanted me to take home a machine to keep track of my blood pressure for potential medicine intervention and my cholesterol was becoming an issue as well.Crisis point and I realised I needed to do something. My wife Ella had had amazing results with BodyBlast so I started eating the same as her and in November I started my first challenge and we became Team Johnson! I had already lost 5kgs prior to the...

March 8, 2024

Steve's Story

Check out this transformation!Being a busy working Dad with a young family can be stressful and full on with little time to be good to themselves. 2019 was the year for Steve, he set himself some big goals, made sure he found some time for him and got incredible results! Say goodbye to 24kg and over 80cm from his torso measurements!...

March 8, 2024

2019 – That's a wrap!

Gyms and PTs are everywhere, so why are we still getting bigger, sicker and not moving more? A good question and one that we often think about - it’s why we opened our doors…to find a way to offer something different than a gym membership in a place with shiny slick machines, mirrors and classes so big that the Instructor doesn’t know them all by name .. and doesn’t miss them if they don't turn up.We teach our clients how to change their lifestyle for the better, we want them to understa...

March 8, 2024

Pukekohe Best in Business Awards 2019

Saturday 27th July - wow what a night!!! Thanks so much to the Pukekohe Busines Association for an awesome local Best in Business Awards evening. We are super thrilled to have won the 'Health & Beauty' category!! Our jobs are to work alongside incredible people in our community and help them be fitter stronger & healthier versions of them and we love 💕 our jobs to bits ... this was the icing on the cake 🎂 for sure! We are passionate business owners and have two great Trainers in Li...

March 8, 2024

6 week challenge success!

I joined Body Blast in June 2019 for the 6 week downsize me challenge. Since I was a teenager I have had ongoing back problems meaning the weight has piled on as my activity levels dropped (working in an office did not help this!) For many years I have tried on and off things to motivate me. I tried joining gyms (paying 1 year membership and going only 5 times) getting personal trainers and signing up for sporting events thinking it would force me to train. Although I have tried a range of thing...

March 8, 2024

Kelci's Story

So I've been part of the Body Blast FitFam for just over a year now.  I do back to back challenges as that suits me best and I LOVE the classes!While I've lost weight along the way, the last challenge was when everything seemed to fall into place for me.  It turns out Kate, Cherie and Hira actually know their stuff!  So I started listening!Previously I was working out five times a week and eating anything I wanted...turns out if you want real results you can't do that!  So I ...

March 8, 2024

Donna's Blog

As we headed into the last couple of weeks of the challenge it was time to start looking at what was working, and what was not or needs tweaking. For me it was about looking at protein portion sizes. And it made a difference just changing this one thing. I also upped my water intake. I found drinking water harder as it gets colder, but I discovered that drinking from a bottle with a straw made me drink more water, and it's amazing how much we need to drink, and the benefits it has. Weight loss, ...

March 8, 2024

5 signs you should invest in a Meta class

You don’t have a lot of free time to spend in the gym. Metafit workouts are only 25 minutes or less which means that you don’t have to give up a couple of hours each and every day just to get good results.You have some extra fat you want to get rid of but don’t want to take forever to do it. Metafit burns more calories than traditional cardio, which means that you’ll be able to lose your excess fat at a faster rate.You participate (or wish to participate) in events that require endurance...

March 8, 2024

Donna's Blog

Challenge and real lifeWeek 3 has been a hard one. I have had sick kids, plus have been sick myself. But I was determined that even though I wasn’t feeling great I didn’t need the extra stress of bad eating especially if I couldn’t be as active. So, I stuck to my healthy eating, and thank goodness I had made soup for the freezer for a healthy option, but one I could handle.My usual daily/weekly exercise routine was out but I still wanted to keep active so was lucky I had to complete my cha...

March 8, 2024

Donna's Blog

The first week of a new challenge is always the hardest, settling in to a new routine and changing eating habits, but it is worth it…. I totally believe it!My name is Donna and I am a Mum to 3 kiddies, a business owner and wife. Life is busy, but I have decided that I was making too many excuses and needed to do something for me, but also that would benefit my family by having a healthy Mum, Wife, me.So I signed up to my first challenge with Body blast in January this year and loved the suppor...

April 28, 2018

Tash's Story

Having 2 children within 2 years took its toll on my weight. I was up 25kg from my pre-baby weight and I had found myself on a downward cycle where I would eat because I was unhappy with how I looked. I had a wardrobe full of beautiful dresses I couldn’t fit and was left with baggy t-shirts and track pants to live in. I was very much the type of person who would have great intentions of beginning my diet on Monday, but Monday would never arrive and before I knew it we would have had takea...

April 10, 2018 Posts 1-25 of 29 | Page next