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Shane's Story

In September 2019 I went to the doctors and they were very concerned with my blood pressure and wanted me to take home a machine to keep track of my blood pressure for potential medicine intervention and my cholesterol was becoming an issue as well.

Crisis point and I realised I needed to do something. My wife Ella had had amazing results with BodyBlast so I started eating the same as her and in November I started my first challenge and we became Team Johnson! I had already lost 5kgs prior to the Challenge by just following the BodyBlast food plan.

I’ve lost 20kgs in total (in and out of the challenge) and had chalked up a loss of 82cm at the challenge midway point. In the last few weeks I would have had more than a dozen people comment on how I’m looking but more important than that is at my latest Doctors checkup I now have the best blood pressure they have on record for me and my cholesterol levels are no longer a concern either.

You guys have saved me and given me back my life. YOU ARE AWESOME!