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10 week Challenge Winner - Sonya!

Sonya says...

With having adopted a “Life is Short - Eat the Cake” attitude when my heart played up out of the blue in 2015 combined with a career change in 2022 which saw me return to a desk job - the unwanted kilos caught up with me.

After being completely inspired by previous challenge winners, I decided to take a leap of faith and sign up for this challenge journey. Was I terrified? YES!! What was I terrified of - Failing!! But equally I was DETERMINED!!

Hand on my heart this has been the best thing I have done for me! It has given me back the balance within my nutrition, full access to my ENTIRE wardrobe, body confidence, and a sense of strong (I have long made peace that I no longer have that “5th gear” with an ongoing heart condition).

The exercise part is easy for me - Body Blasts varied gym classes plus my love of hiking coupled with sunrise as my favourite time of day, make it easy to get the job done. So good for not only my physical health, also for my mental well-being.

If you are considering doing a challenge - I encourage you to “take that leap of faith”. The accountability is HIGH and the mantra that I had on repeat in my head was “Trust the Process” (thanks Kate & Cherie!), this was particularly important when the scales stalled a couple of times. The consistent small steps definitely add up. I am so grateful to Cherie & Kate - I would not have achieved this without their unfailing support!

My new adopted attitude – "Life is short - buy the dress (& the shoes!)"