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Donna's Blog

As we headed into the last couple of weeks of the challenge it was time to start looking at what was working, and what was not or needs tweaking. For me it was about looking at protein portion sizes. And it made a difference just changing this one thing. I also upped my water intake. I found drinking water harder as it gets colder, but I discovered that drinking from a bottle with a straw made me drink more water, and it's amazing how much we need to drink, and the benefits it has. Weight loss, good clear skin, and not being hungry because your thirst is quenched.

It always surprises me how little time it takes to create a routine. For me it is getting a walk into my day, with or without my kids. If I miss it I feel grouchy and tired. One thing I have really noticed is changes in my body shape/size .... having that clothing item that was too small, now be too big and needs a belt to stay up! It really is a great feeling when you can try on something and it fits and isn't is amazing how something so small can make us feel so good about ourselves.

My results from this challenge were pleasing, my hard work and change of lifestyle is really working! I have already booked in my next couple of weeks worth of classes to keep me motivated and on track, and as we get fitter Kate and Cherie are starting to challenge us to do more, or I feel I can do more. For example I was scared to jump in case I injured myself, but as I get stronger I am getting more confident in what I can and cant do. The weather is getting colder and it’s getting harder to get up to train, But we do and feel great for doing so, and the bonus is we can do it rain or shine.

This Metachallenge has given me the confidence to push harder than I thought was possible and the results in my fitness, my measurements and my self confidence are incredible - Im really happy with my journey thus far. If you are looking to go on a journey of your own I thoroughly recommend The Fitness Box! Its always hard taking that first step, but once you have done your first class you know you have got this and that the Coaches are behind you 100% .... my journey is not yet done tho so watch this space!