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The benefits of regular exercise

Everyone can benefit from regular exercise! Many people look to exercise for weight loss however there is SOOO much more that you will get as a pleasant side effect.

Exercise is good for you. Working your body for at least 30 minutes most days of the week (working hard enough to break a sweat) can help prevent and manage diseases like type II diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cancer, depression and more. It also helps to control and manage weight and stress and helps you look and feel better. Exercise is the only proven method to add years to your life and life to your years – so get moving today, you’ll be glad you did!

More specific benefits of exercise include:

Stronger heart and lungs – Blood pressure is the force exerted on your artery walls as blood passes through them. It tells you if your blood is flowing smoothly. If you have plaque in your arteries, your blood flow is interrupted and can cause life-threatening damage to your cardiovascular system. Hence some exercise most days of the week can:

  • Lower the buildup of plaque in your arteries.

  • Increase “good” cholesterol and decrease “bad” cholesterol.

  • Lower blood pressure if it’s high and prevents it if it’s not.

Oxygen is required for good health and body function. Your respiratory system involves breathing in and out to distribute oxygen to body tissues and to remove waste (carbon dioxide) from the body. Getting some exercise most days of the week helps you breathe better, makes your lungs stronger and delivers nourishing oxygen throughout your body, making you feel refreshed and energized

Prevent and manage symptoms of Type II diabetes – Moving your body helps your body’s insulin work better, removes excess sugar in the blood and helps your body at becoming more effective at processing food

Stronger bones and muscles – One of the best things you can do to prevent bone-weakening and loss as you age is to exercise. Building strength (weight lifting, resistance bands, body weight) and “weight bearing” exercises (exercises that support your body weight such as walking and jogging) are the best in order to keep your bones strong. Having stronger bones also helps your balance and coordination and reduces your risk of falls.

Reduce Stress and feel great – Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins (the brain’s “feel good” chemicals) and provides for “natural” pain relief and relaxation.

Reduce cancer risk – Research shows that physical activity is associated with a lower risk of several types of cancers, including breast cancer and colon cancer.(read more about this on

Lose weight – Exercise helps you burn more calories and increase your metabolism. It reduces body fat and increases muscle which in turn burns more calories and creates shape, tone and improved self-esteem!

Sleep better – There’s nothing like a good night’s sleep to leave you feeling rested and improve your attitude to life! Exercising at least a couple of hours before going to bed will help you sleep better and wake rested – and we all want that!